Whether you’re dreading a specific dental procedure or you simply have dental anxiety, dental sedation may be a good option for you.
Montz and Maher Dental Group provides a variety of dental sedation options that can ease your fear of the dentist. Our team can tailor your dental sedation to your unique level of dental anxiety. After a consultation, one of our sedation dentists can advise you on the dental sedation option that best fits your needs.
You may be wondering: is dental sedation right for me? Dental sedation can soothe your dental anxiety and give you the confidence to schedule a necessary dental procedure. Our team would love to discuss your concerns with you and help you determine which level of sedation will help you overcome your fear of the dentist.
Are there reasons for dental sedation besides dental anxiety? Yes! Although fear of the dentist is the #1 reason to consider dental sedation, you may also be a candidate if you suffer from other issues that make it difficult to sit through a dental procedure.
You might be a candidate for dental sedation if:
- You have a serious fear of the dentist or stressful dental anxiety.
- You have had traumatic experiences at past dental visits.
- You’re worried about a specific, upcoming procedure.
- You have a low pain threshold or high tooth sensitivity.
- You suffer from jaw pain.
- You have a highly sensitive gag reflex.
- You have difficulty becoming numb with local anesthesia.
- You would like to accomplish multiple or complicated procedures in one sitting.
We are ready to evaluate your unique needs and help you decide on a dental sedation option that works for you.
What options are available to me?
Your options may depend on your unique fear of the dentist or other dental needs. Montz and Maher Dental Group has dentists who are qualified to administer oral conscious sedation, laughing gas, or intravenous sedation.
During your consultation, you and your sedation dentist can discuss whether or not dental sedation might be helpful for you. Most patients can safely qualify for oral conscious sedation, laughing gas, or even intravenous sedation.
To learn more about our sedation dentistry services, please call our office today. We would be happy to serve you with effective dental relaxation!