Oral conscious sedation allows patients to become comfortable with any dental procedure after taking an easy-to-swallow pill. Montz and Maher Dental Group can prescribe a conscious sedation medication to you based on your level of dental anxiety and your health history.
What is Conscious Sedation?
Conscious sedation means that you will be awake and able to respond to your dental team during treatment. You will have the ability to answer your dentist’s questions and follow his instructions, resulting in an effective and comfortable procedure.
When you ask “What is conscious sedation?” we also want you to know that, although you remain awake, you’re in an altered state of consciousness. You feel calm and relaxed, losing your perception of time as well as your dental anxiety.
When you leave your conscious sedation appointment, you’ll have few memories of what went on during the procedure. Your smile will be beautiful and functional, but you won’t remember any of the steps that may have made you feel nervous before.
If you choose oral conscious sedation, you will need an adult to drive you to and from your appointment.
Advantages of Oral Conscious Sedation
Montz and Maher Dental Group will ensure that you receive the right amount of conscious sedation medication, so you remain conscious but very comfortable during the procedure. Oral conscious sedation makes it possible for you to complete several treatments in a single day and to feel zero pain or anxiety throughout your procedures.
There are other advantages to using oral conscious sedation. This form of conscious sedation can:
- Ease fear for patients with high levels of dental anxiety.
- Put patients into a deeper relaxation than with laughing gas.
- Help patients who have strong gag reflexes or jaw pain receive the treatment they need.
- Eliminate the need for shots or breathing masks!
- Help patients receive the treatments they need to achieve the smile of their dreams without any stress or worry.
With so many advantages, we know that a discussion about oral conscious sedation is well worth your time!
To find out if conscious sedation is right for you, schedule a consultation with one of our experienced professionals. Montz and Maher Dental Group will review your health history with you and answer all of your questions about oral conscious sedation. Call our office today!