Imagine getting the dental work you need without the usual discomfort or anxiety. Sedation dentistry allows you to undergo any cosmetic, restorative, or general dental procedure without feeling pain or worry. After your visit, it’s possible to have no recollection of your time in the dental chair.
Sedation dentistry allows a qualified sedation dentist to provide a variety of dental treatments to you while striving to eliminate your dental anxiety. The many benefits of sedation dentistry include:
- Little to no memory of the procedure
- No sense of time, making you feel like you are in and out of the office within minutes
- Greatly reduced fear or anxiety before and/or after treatment
- Comfortable dental care for those who have overactive gag reflexes or difficulty becoming numb
Our patients who have used sedation dentistry in the past will tell you that it is a relaxing way to get the dental work you need!
Sedation Dentistry FAQs
Why is sedation dentistry called sleep dentistry?
Conscious sedation dentistry is sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry.” The term “sleep dentistry” is not always entirely accurate, as the patient does not usually sleep throughout the procedure. Instead you will likely be in a state of totally relaxed consciousness, through which you can still respond to your dentist’s questions.
Who can receive sleep dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is suitable for patients who have genuine fears that hinder them from visiting the dentist. A sedation dentist may recommend these options to those who have severe restlessness, low pain tolerance, tooth sensitivity, or an overactive gag reflex. Sleep dentistry is also helpful to those who want to complete multiple procedures in one sitting.
Is sedation dentistry safe?
Yes! When administered by a trained, licensed sedation dentist, sleep dentistry is completely safe. Montz and Maher Dental Group will always keep your comfort and safety in mind and adjust your sedation level accordingly.
You won’t feel any pain throughout your visit, and yes, you have options! You can choose from laughing gas, oral conscious sedation, and intravenous sedation to fulfill your comfort needs. To schedule a consultation with our sedation dentist, contact our office today.